Notice to iPhone/iPad app users

We found a problem in our iPhone/iPad app version 1.3.0 and earlier that a part of text will be truncated when you create or edit a sticky from iPhone/iPad app. In particular, when your text contains “&” in it, text following it will be truncated.

The new version that fixes this problem is already available on the App Store. Please update your App to this version or later.

We’ve submitted a new version to the App Store, but it may take a week or few to pass Apple’s review before the new version is available.

Please do not edit a sticky containing “&” until the new version is available.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Edit on Apr 3 2012]
We found that the problem is caused not only by a formatted link but also any URL links containing “&”.

[Edit on Apr 3 2012]
We’ve submitted a new version to the App Store and are waiting for review.

[Edit on Apr 3 2012]
Updated information that all “&”s can cause the problem.

[Edit on Apr 10 2012]
New version 1.3.1 that fixes the problem is now available.

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Comments (1)

  1. Hi Lino folks!
    Is there any way to print each canvas page in its entirety?
    I would like to have a hardcopy and doesn’t seem possible unless I take a screen shot.
    Any help here would be great.

    Comment by Tonja January 12, 2013 8:30 am