List stickies you’ve peeled off
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve updated lino and added some features including listing stickies you’ve peeled off.
List stickies you’ve peeled off
You can see a list of stickies you’ve peeled off in a week.
Once you’ve subscribed to lino Premium, you can restore them to their original canvas.
Activities in a group
Group administrators can now see activities in the group, including a group member posted and peeled off a sticky, created a canvas and so on.
You can see the most recent three activities. Once you’ve subscribed to lino Premium, you can see all activities in the group in two weeks.
Other features
- Scroll a canvas with a wheel of a mouse. If you use a trackpad, you can scroll it by touching with two fingers.
- You can activate a private sticky by hovering a mouse cursor on it for a while.
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